Coons Ransom Maine Coon Cattery
Located in Washington State
Last updated January 31, 2025

Offspring photos
I truly enjoy getting photos and updates from my kitten families. If you have one of my babies, please feel free to share with me so I can add them to this web page.
email me

Thomas O'Malley
Thomas is shown here at 2.5 years old. He is from the litter of Eva and Victor. Loved by Ivy Gardner
Marlo is the daughter of Possum and Colorado.
Cherished by Natalie Merral

Luna and Smokey
Loved by Lori Hess

Red shaded male from Elena and Keanu's litter.
Loved by Stephani Morgan

Black silver tabby from Jinx and Victors litter.
He lives with Robin French
Red male from Darci and Victors litter.
Owned and loved by Sarah Clarke


Fancy Pants
Black Silver Torbi Shell female
She lives here in the cattery with me as our beloved pet and an extraordinary mother.
Solid black male from Bonnie and Harleys litter. He lives with Aaron Kahn and her family of 3 children and her husband. Grizzly is a wonderful baby sitter and an excellent mouser.

White female Maine Coon. She lives with Cassie Null. Wella is not from my breeding program. But I have been honored to assist in placing he and her litter males for her breeder.
This beautiful Black silver tabby female is loved by Melissa Peterson. She is 15 moths old. Her parents are Elena and Harley

Such a huge change in this young cat from kitten to a 6 month old. This stunning young cat is owned and loved by Kathy Haslam. He is a black smoke with white. His parents are P Awesome and Alligator

Such a huge change in this young cat from kitten to a 6 month old. This stunning young cat is owned and loved by Kathy Haslam. He is a black smoke with white. His parents are P Awesome and Alligator